Sunday, November 16, 2008

Say what?

So apparently all the women kept to their promise and actually went along with Lysistrata's plan. This honestly was a surprise to me because of my previous hypothesis with the fact that the women would be unable to abstain from sex because it would hurt their husbands--something they are trying to stop in the first place.

So, This play definitely was not a tragedy and not as depressing as the other plays but much much more mature than what we have read in all of IB english.

I enjoyed the reading because it was finally a different view on what we usually read and the story was quite interesting. We were special in a sort of way to gain this book and its wisdom.

Our four dollars I would say were well spent. :)


Patti said...

Haha, I agree with you Fadwa, our four big bucks were well spent.. I think it was a great book and I learned a lot from it as well and it was really great that we got to read something way less depressing than everything else IB makes us read!

Laura =) said...

Yeah, I was surprised that everyone was able to keep the compromise as well, and I was happy that FINALLY everything worked out in the end. No one died or felt oppressed still in the end, and everyone was able to achieve their goal, so I enjoyed the ending more than in the other two books.

fadwa_saidwhat said...

Yeah, I mean we'eve been reading so many tragedies that I forgot Lysistrata wasn't one haha. I was waiting for someting horrible to happen and I hope the next book we read is as good! :)

Johnny Moscoso-Vargas said...

This certanly was fun to read but a bit too much of a stretch from what we've had, I also wish we would have had more papers to write, but anyway as I was saying, yes i wasnt surprised to see that the women kept their promise mainly because if they didnt than the original purpose of the author would have been defeated.