Thursday, April 30, 2009

Papel II- NOTE!

NOTE: Late I know, I'm sorry Mrs. D! I had trouble with the intranettt so I decided to print it out and give it to you tomorrow!? But since my bi-polar internet decided to connect now, I'm posting!
Thank you!

May 2007- Question B

“Literature is often about crossing boundaries, both physically and mentally. In what ways, and to what extent, does the crossing of boundaries contribute to two or three works you have studied?”

Paraphrasing: Writing is a lot like stepping out of the box, physically and mentally. Explain how this is shown in two to three works you have studied.

Element of Fiction: Theme/Diction…

Novels chosen: As I Lay Dying, The Bluest Eye

May 2001- Question A

“Compare uses and/or abuses of power as a theme in novels or short stories you have read. Say what this theme and its presentation contribute to each work you discuss.”

Paraphrasing: Explain how power is shown in two novels that you have read and include the purpose of this theme and how it helps develop each novel.

Element of Fiction: Theme/motif of power

Novels chosen: Darkness at Noon, The Metamorphosis

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