Sunday, November 16, 2008

12 years?!@#$%^&*

The UWM speakers were really cool...
until I heard that they were in college for TWELVE YEARS

In the beginning I was like wow, I can relate to them-they don't look too old (at all) and I became a little more confident about college and all.

Then they were like yeah "we've been in college for 12 years", I was like


Yeah, and then they further stated they had like 4 or 5 years left
I was seriously breaking down

but THEN, I remembered, "Hey! I'm not majoring in English! This is just what I'm studying now...and what they're studying!"

So I began to breathe. But what they said did open my eyes to what is coming in the near future. Its a big decision to make and they told us how they made theirs and I respect them for that.


Ryu Tsume said...

Twelve years is a long time. I must admit, but if you like what you are getting into, the years are more fun. Especially into the master classes and the Ph.D., the classes become super personalized, so they are more exactly what you want to do. Like me, I want to be in school for eight years and end up with a bachelors in Engineering physics, and a masters in Nano/Micro Technology. Hopefully, by my senior year, the classes will be fun.

fadwa_saidwhat said...

Yeah that's true, and you're major sounds awesome. I guess when you work that long with something you love, it is considered fun. I'm planning on an advertising design major. :)