Sunday, November 16, 2008

Here we go...

It's hard to keep up with this anymore!

Reading Lysistrata has been a big turn in what we usually read in IB English.
I was a little hesitant at first seeing as how everything about it is referenced to sex.
Aristophanes really is good at that. and supposedly Douglass Parker's modern translation is a little less vulgar...hahaha at that.

Anyway, we've been reading a lot of books that has been centered around women. This is one similarity. Lysistrata, fo instance, is immediately given a powerful and manipulative role.

When she calls for a meeting for all the women in Athens, she proposes an idea of how they can stop the war and get their husband's back.

"Very well,
here's the program:
Total Abstinence
from SEX!"

Despite her power and influence over the women, she doesn't reel them in very easily with this idea. They all decide that they would rather go on with the war then go with Lysistrata's plan.

"On with the war!"

Even though when she states she has a plan to end the war, they're responses were:

"You can count on me! If you need money, I'll pawn the shift off my back."
"Me, too! I'm ready to split myself right up the middlelike a mackerel, and give you half."
"Me too! I'd climb Taygetos Mountain plumb to the top to git the leastes' peek at Peace!"
"Of course we'll do it! We'd even die!"

However, after much persuasion, most women agree to this plan and the war between the sexes, begins.

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