Sunday, November 16, 2008


I also think it's kinda funny how the play production of Lysistrata is played by all male characters. This is mainly because of a cultural reason in Greek plays.
Its funny because the play centers the role of women, especially Lysistrata and how they overpower the men in the end

men play the role of women!

I tried to find some sort of video showing the play with men playing the roles but unfortunately didn't find any.

However, another culture I learned about that uses men to play the role of women in operas is the chineseeee.

I feel like I'm rude laughing, but I found a youtube video and it's just funny seeing them actually doing it.



1 comment:

Dorito said...

I completely agree. When we had the little powerpoint presentation of notes before we started reading the play, I can distinctly remember Ms.D explaining what the play was about, the fact that is played by all men, and me laughing hysterically. I think the scene with Kinesias and Myrrhine might have been a little more awkward than funny, though