Sunday, November 16, 2008

Portrayal of women?

These are quotes I found of
Portrayal of women in Lysistrata by the women's standards:

[Lysistrata] "Utter sluts, the entire sex! Will-power, nil. We're perfect raw material for Tragedy, the stuff of heroic lays. "Go to bed with a god and then get rid of the baby""--that sums us up!

"We'll paint, powder, and pluck ourselves to the last detail, and stay inside, wearing those filmy tunic that set off everything we have--and then slink up to the men."

"A horde of women, armed with househole articles, begins to pour from the Akropolis."

The portrayal of women by the men's standards:

[Commissioner] When Lysistrata says she's saving the men, "You will save us?"

"Might I ask where you women concieved this concern about War and Peace?"

[Lysistrata] "And my husband, with his customary glare, would tell me to spin my thread, or else get a clout on my head."

"What Athens needs is a man."

[Commissioner] "I categorically decline to shush for some confounded woman, who wears--as a constant reminder of congenital inferiority, an injunctionto public silence--a veil! Death before such dishonor!"

All these lines demonstrate how the men and women view the role or portrayal of women in Lysistrata.


Muhca said...

i really love that very first quote....its so true that lotsa men take women for granted....we're just good lays. u see it in movies, hear it in songs, and its glorified on the streets....its effed up.....

fadwa_saidwhat said...

True dat! We should change that lol.
Another strike perhaps? :)